Sea Trails Investments, LLC  has acquired the Rees Jones Golf Course, Willard Byrd Golf Course and the Dan Maples Golf Course, plus other commercial properties in Sea Trail Golf Resort located in Sunset Beach, NC, less than an hour north of Myrtle Beach, SC. Planned are the development of new residentail, commercial and recreational properties within the community. Future plans also call for a 150-room resort-style hotel, revitalization of the Sea Trail Convention Center, a state-of-the-art driving ranges featuring top tracer technology, as well as a practice and entertainment facililities. Sea Trail Golf Resort plans to invest millions in updates and improvements to the golf courses and facilities, including a complete renovation of the Jones Byrd Clubhouse. The clubhouse renovations are expected to be completed by March 2024. East Coast Golf Management has been hired to manage the golf courses.

Tanglewood Park in Forsyth County, NC (near Winston-Salem)  gets go-ahead for a $15 million new clubhouse. The Forsyth County Board of Commissoners gave its approval in December 2023. The new clubhose will be slightly smaller than the existing one and will be built on the same site after the current clubhouse is demolished. A temporary clubhouse (described as a trailer) will be used during the construction phase and it will be located near the existing clubhouse along the 18th fairway of the Chamspionship Course. The estimated date of completion of the project is the Fall of 2025.
Image: Golf course covered with snow
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A Brief History of Golf
By Patrick V Carpen

+ Golf Redefined: A 5-mile walk punctuated by disappointments.


+Two golfers are ready to tee off on the 11th hole when a hurst and funeral procession passes by. The first player stops, doffs his cap, and bows his head as the procession passes. “Now, that was a really nice thing to do,” the second golfer says. “It’s good to see there is still some respect in this world. "Well, it’s only right,” the first golfer replies. “I was married to her for 35 years.”


+ In primitive society, when native tribes beat the ground with clubs and yelled, it was called witchcraft. Today, in civilized society, it’s called golf..

Photo By: Mitchell Eldridge
Image: Hole at Beau Rivage Golf & Resort
Image: Fairway at Salem Glen Country Club
Image: Vintage golf bag with clubs
One of the most elegant and prolific games of this century, golf has a fascinating trail of history running behind. The word ''golf'' is actually a modification of the Dutch word "kolf" which simply means a "bat," "stick,'' or "club". If defined literally, the game is all about striking a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes while complying with the rules of the game. It is one of those rare games which do not require playing area; rather golf is played on golf "courses." The competitions of golf are based on stroke play, where the individual or team posts with lowest score on the most individual for a full round, wins the game. Some other team games of golf such as fourball have been pioneered, and are played either using matchplay format or stroke. Several alternative styles of golf playing have been introduced like disc golf and miniature golf. However, it is still interesting to find out the history of golf.

Most scholars agree with the "fact" that the Scots were first to popularize the game of golf. However, there exists no common consensus in the history of golf about the inventors of the classy sport. The records suggest a golf-like game was played in a city called Loenen aan de Vecht, Netherlands, on 26 February 1297. The Dutchmen played this game with leather ball and a stick. Actually, the game required the players to hit the ball into a target situated several hundreds of meters away.

The emphasis on golf's Scottish origin is contributed to the fact that the game was mentioned in two 15th-century Acts of the Scottish Parliament. Further, there are evidences that in A.D 1456, the first game of golf was played at Bruntsfield Links, in Edinburgh, Scotland, as recorded in the archives of The Royal Burgess Golfing Society.

There are some reports which record evidences of golf from continental Europe. Different forms of sports similar to golf were played in 14th century in the countries of France, Belgium, and Holland, apart from Scotland. However, the game was introduced in England by a keen Scottish Baron, James VI, after succeeding on the English throne in 1603.

In the early years of golf, the players never thought of forming a club or society until in 1744 a group of Edinburgh golfers united into a club named Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers. It was here that the first 13 rules of golf were drawn up for an annual contest. In 1766, Royal Blackheath Golf Club was formed in England - the first golf club formed outside Scotland.

Although traces of golf can be encountered in 18th century United States, however the game was still waiting to be popularized. The history of golf in North America began with its roots in Canada. In 1873, The Royal Montreal Club was formed, which was followed by the Quebec Golf Club in 1875 and the golf club in Toronto a year later. It was in 1888 that golf re-emerged in the United States. For the first time the "three-hole golf course" was built in Yonkers, New York by a Scotsman, John Reid on a 30-acre site. From a modest beginning, golf emerged as the new national pastime in the United States.

In the recent times golf has become a complete spectators' game, involving professionals at different levels and amateur tours across various terrains of the world. Not only the game, but the golf players -Tiger Woods, Annika Sorenstam and Jack Nicklaus to name a few, have gained worldwide recognition as great sports personalities. Engrossingly huge sponsorships and new technologies being developed to assist golfers and dedication and raw talent from the emerging players all suggest a luminous new chapter in the "history of golf".
For a lot of amateur golfers, feeling the clubhead when swinging simply doesn't happen and sadly never will. But for golf professionals they have an intimate feeling of where the golf club is at all times during the golf swing. Could that be a golf swing secret?

Well, I don't want to say for certain but if you have trouble feeling the clubhead as you're swinging here's a simple golf drill that will help give you the feeling of the clubhead as you're swinging. This can only help you to hit the golf ball better.

To do this golf drill simply setup to a golf ball and grip the golf club as you normally would. BUT move your grip up the club so that you have the last two fingers of your top hand off the end of the golf grip. Once you have done this then I want you to swing with this "new" golf grip.

By doing this it will force you to place a lot less emphasis on your hands and arms as your big muscles will be forced to control the golf swing. You'll also get great feedback when doing this golf drill if you swing too fast because if you do you'll lose all control of the golf club through the ball.

If that happens you simply have to swing the golf club with more rhythm and better tempo. And what you want to feel when doing this golf drill is that the golf ball simply gets in the way of your golf swing. You shouldn't force anything, especially with your golf grip. Remember to "swing the golf club" and not "hit the golf ball". The golf ball is hit as the result of you "swinging the golf club."

So please do this golf drill and you'll get a much better feeling of the golf clubhead as you're swinging and definitely through the ball. Don't however expect to hit the golf ball great when doing this golf drill. That's not the point of this golf drill. Instead when doing this drill you should be focusing of the feelings that go along with swinging with the different grip. Then you can transfer those feelings over to your normal golf swing, which can only help to improve your ball striking.

Now I've said this before, but because it's so important I'll say it again. The golf ball should just get in the way of your golf swing. You should not "try" to hit the golf ball.
How To Feel The Golf Clubhead As You're Swinging
By Nick Bayley
Image: Golfer swinging club at sunset
Discover the key elements of golf that can transform novices into confident players. Despite the abundance of golf instruction available, many enthusiasts still struggle to master the sport. This article delves into the foundational movements and teaching strategies that can make golf accessible and enjoyable for all, regardless of age or athletic background.

The Paradox of Plenty in Golf Instruction ...
The world of golf instruction is vast and varied, with countless professionals offering their wisdom through various channels. From televised lessons on the Golf Channel to local coaches at your neighborhood course, there's no shortage of advice for the aspiring golfer. Yet, despite this wealth of knowledge, a disconnect remains. Many golfers continue to search for the guidance that will finally click for them, suggesting that something crucial may be missing from conventional teaching methods.

A Fresh Approach to Learning Golf ...
As a seasoned physical education teacher, I've observed the full spectrum of athletic development, from young children to teenagers. This experience has equipped me with the insight to foster fluid athletic movements at any stage of growth. It's a journey that all golf professionals could benefit from to deepen their teaching skills.

Learning new physical movements is challenging, whether it's for sports or everyday tasks like slicing roast beef or typing an email. I've played numerous sports, and I'm continually discovering new movement concepts that enhance my understanding of the golf swing. The willingness to embrace new ideas is crucial, and it's here that some golf methodologies, such as Natural Golf and Gravity Golf, may overlook the importance of basic body movements.

The Missing Link in Golf Instruction ...
The issue with current golf instruction may stem from its origins. Often, teaching methods are based on what has worked for the instructor's own game. Without a standardized starting point, beginners and struggling golfers have had to rely on imitating successful players. However, this approach doesn't account for individual differences in learning and physical capabilities.

My teaching philosophy is grounded in basic body movements that are not necessarily golf-specific. By relating everyday activities and movements from other sports to the golf swing, I've found that everyone possesses skills that can aid in learning to hit the ball effectively.

Core Teaching Principles ...
My lessons focus on controlled body movements that teach the mind and body to handle a golf club with precision. This approach quickly builds belief in one's ability to enjoy golf, even for those who previously considered themselves unathletic or uncoordinated.

The Impact of Accessible Golf Instruction ...
In my first year of teaching, I instructed 115 students, averaging five lessons each. This surge in interest highlighted the demand for instruction that addresses the gaps left by traditional methods. By providing a foundation that encourages further learning and participation in golf, I've helped fuel the industry, benefiting golf pros and courses alike.

Innovative Techniques for Rapid Improvement I employ techniques that simplify golf, such as a putting method that mirrors the full swing. This allows students to practice their full swing while honing their putting skills. Additionally, I've developed a lesson that enables new or struggling golfers to hit the ball proficiently within just 30 minutes.

Bridging the Gap to Advanced Golf Techniques ...
My teaching philosophy is designed to ease the transition into more advanced golf swing methods, including the Traditional Swing, Natural Golf Swing, and Gravity Golf. By laying a solid foundation, my students are better prepared to explore and adopt these various techniques.

In conclusion, the key to unlocking the joys of golf lies in understanding and mastering the basic movements that underpin the sport. By focusing on these essentials, golf instruction can be more effective, inclusive, and enjoyable for all.

For further insights and tips on improving your golf game, stay tuned for my upcoming articles and instructional modules.
Unveiling the Essentials of Golf for Beginners
By Glen Osborne
Image: Learning to putt a golf ball
Carolina Golf News Briefs
Image: Aerial view of golf course fairway.
Image: Laughing Face
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